ABC                                                                                  GPA Part 1

G.P.A. Part 2

Step # 9
s Blank Rule in Excel.
    Empty Cell Rule in Sheets.

Step by Step Instructions for Step 9.

Sheets Step 9
Excel Step 9

Step # 10

Conditionally Formatting
G.P.A. Ranges

Make the numbers turn colors when they're typed into cells

B3 - I11.

Step # 10
Conditionally Formatting G.P.A. ranges.

F = 0.0-0.9
D = 1.0-1.9
C = 2.0-2.9
B = 3.0-3.9
A = 4.0

Step by Step Instructionfor Step 10.
Sheets Step 10
Excel Step 10
Tell Ms. Church that you're ready
for Part 2 to be graded
Do not go on to Part 3 until you have a grade in PowerSchool.
G.P.A. Part 3

Step # 11
    Make a Sheet for each Quarter

Make 4 copies of the Sheet. Use the Move or Copy command in Excel
    In Google Sheets Duplicate the current sheet.              Arrow up to the Excel Table

Step # 12    Go to
    Power School for your Elecives.

Insert quarter grades & new elective titles.
Change title colors for each new page.

Step # 13
    4th quarter = 10 weeks.

Insert a new Row and adjust the formulas in Cells B13 and J12 for the 4th quarter sheet.
Tell Ms. Church that you're ready
for Part 3 to be graded
. :-)

Arrow up to the Excel Table

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GPA Part 1

Step by Step Instruction
GPA Part 2 Conditional Formatting
      9 10
  GPA Part 3

Arrow up to the Excel Table

Step 9

Make Cells
B3 - I11

In Sheets
it is known as the
Empty Cell Rule.
In Excel
it is known as the

Is Blank Rule
You need to declare the cells white before you can add the Conditional Formatting Rule for each GPA number.

9a. In SHEETS open the Conditional Formatting side bar and format the cells white.

9b.Select cells B3 - I11 >   Format  >  Conditional Formatting

The cells with numbers change color to green.
You need the color to be white.

9c.Change the FORMAT rule from
                    cell is not empty
to the cell is empty.

Arrow up to the Excel Table

9d.Everything turns Green except the cells with numbers.

9e.Now change the color to white by clicking on the spilled over paint can.

Arrow up to the Excel Table

Step 10.

Conditionally Formatting
the cells to change color with every G.P.A.

10a. Now add another rule for each GPA number and format the rule.

Make sure that cells B3 - I11 are still selected.

Format   >  Conditional Formatting   >   Add New Rule

Arrow up to the Excel Table

10b. Change the rule from "is empty"   to "is between."

10c. Make every G.P.A. range a different color.

                          B = 3.0-3.9
                          C = 2.0-2.9

                          D = 1.0-1.9
                          F = 0.0-0.9

10d. Select a new color and text color for each GPA range.
 If you go with a dark color background choose a light color text.
If you go with a light color back ground choose a dark color text.

Repeat for each GPA Range.

Arrow up to the Excel Table


Tell Ms. Church that you are ready for Part 2 to be graded.

GPA Part 1                                     GPA Part 2                                 GPA Part 3  

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Step by Step Instruction
Google Sheets starts on Step 2
Part 1 1a 1b 1c 2 2a 2b 2c 2d 2e 3
4 5 6 7 8 Part 2 9 10 Part 3 11 12 13

Step 9.

Is Blank Rule


Watch the video
follow the
Step by Step



Change the cell color of the
Blank Cells to White.
2:24 mi


Excel gives Blanks cells a zero value, therefore,
you need to add an Is Blank formula so that the cell that
Is Blank will be white.


Ms. Church show me how to change the chart from pink to white.



Click for the Step by Step Instructions.


Conditional Formatting In EXCEL

Arrow up to the Excel Table


Step 10

Conditional Formatting

Watch the video
Ms Church show me how....
follow the
Step by Step


Arrow up to the Excel Table


Step 10)   

Select the whole chart and input the
Conditional Formating
for the GPA Ranges.

Ms. Church show me how to Conditionally Format cells.

Ms Church show me how....

One more step in Part 2 to complete.
Scroll down to Step 10.
Arrow up to the Excel Table


Tell Ms. Church that you are ready for Part 2 to be graded.

GPA Part 1                                GPA Part 2                                        GPA Part 3 

















Arrow up to the Excel Table


Step by Step Instruction
Google Sheets starts on Step 2
Part 1 1a 1b 1c 2 2a 2b 2c 2d 2e 3
4 5 6 7 8 Part 2 9 10 Part 3 11 12 13

G.P.A. Part 3

Step 11 Step 12 Step 13

Step 11 Create Quarter Charts
              Once the Formatted Sheet has been graded RENAME the Sheet Quarter Grade Check.

Step 11a. In Sheets Duplicate your graded SHEET four times but first,
              delete all random grades but keep your current grades in the middle of your chart.
             Be careful not to delete the formulas in Column J or Row 12.

Step 11b. Rename each SHEET. Use the examples.
                                                      You may also change the color of each tab.

 In Excel --- Move or Copy four New Sheets and change the titles.Copy a SHEET

Step 11c. Add the quarter number to the title "Quarter Grade Check" on each sheet.
                                                      Maybe change the title colors for each sheet.

Delete the extra grades in each chart. Only include the grades from the current quarter.

Be careful not to delete the formulas in Column J or Row 12.

Arrow up to the Excel Table.

Step 12) Find your new electives in Power School.
             Go to Power School > Click on the Standards Grades TAB >

                                                      to find & edit your Electives for each quarter. 


.Arrow up to the Excel Table
Arrow up to the Excel Table

Step 13 The 4th Quarter has 10 weeks
    Insert a row above Row A12 so you may include the 10th week that is in the 4th quarter.


13a. Select the 4th Quarter Grade Check Chart.

13b. Select Cell A 11 > Right Click > Insert Row
          This will add a row between Week 8 and Week 9.

13c. Type a 4 in cell B 12.       You'll see that the
                   Conditional Formatting also works.
     In cell B 13 your formula has adjusted to include the new row.

See the example to the right..

Arrow up to the Excel Table

13d. Title the row correctly. "Week 10 grades"

Select cell A 10 "Week 8" > Move your mouse around
                until it changes to a "skinny plus." >
> Hold >Drag down to Cell A 12.
           Your Week titles will change automatically.

Click here if your formulas do not work
or if you're using Excel for your charts.
Arrow up to the Excel Table

Final check to see if all of your formulas work and that all charts are complete then

Tell Ms. Church that you are ready for your four G.P.A. Charts
to be graded.

GPA Part 1                           GPA Part 2                            GPA Part 3


Arrow up to the Excel Table





























































































































































Arrow up to the Excel Table


4. Edit ALL Formulas to include Row 12.

Step by Step to....

Edit the formula to include the new row.
1. Put a Number in Cell B12 then Click on cell B13.
2. See below for the example.
        Put your cursor in the B3:B11 area of the formula.

        Once you click the Column will be highlighted.
3. Now drag down the "Skinny Blue +" to include the cell in your formula.
4. Press Enter
5. Click Hold Drag the "Skinny Green +"in Cell J13 to the left
        to copy the formula into the other cells in the row.
6. Press Enter
7. Repeat Steps 1-5 for Cell J3 and the rest of Column J

5. Edit ALL Conditional Formatting to include Row 12.


Arrow up to the Excel Table

Tell Ms. Church that you are ready for for your 4 G.P.A.
Charts to be graded.

GPA Part 1                                     GPA Part 2                                     GPA Part 3


Arrow up to the Excel Table













