Skyview Middle School Website
Click the title for each subject's assignments.
Business Info




Puzzle Cube
Open Chrome

Click 'Apps' link in the top left of Chrome window

Or go to chrome://apps

Click 'sign in' on the top right of the Apps page

Enter for Google login page

Enter and windows password for Microsoft login page

Click continue

Click X on pop-up window

Search for "gsuite marketplace" and click first link
                         or go to

Search for "Sketchup"

Click 'Sketchup for Schools'

Click 'Install'


Click continue

Click array of 9 dots in top right of G Suite Marketplace page

Scroll down to and click 'Sketchup for Schools'

Click 'Sign in with Google'

Select user account

Click 'Start modeling'










The Good Design & Bad Design Google Slide link

Week 1
Introduction to Design
Review Fire Drill Procedures

Fire Drill Map
Click for Map

What is design?

Good design solves a problem.
      Boat Ramp - Don't get your feet wet
      Self-Cleaning Hair Brush

Design Process Matrix Which materials to use?



            Commercial ---The problem


CW ~ Balance 11 Nails

Food Huggers

Good Design Bad Design Slides
Template 1
Template 2
Template 3






Week 2 - 3

Watch the
Measuring Tutorial Videos
1. Customary
2. Metric
3. Dial Caliper
4. Unit Conversion                                                                         

Measuring Game

Play the game and turn in a Snip-it of your result.

Save as LastName_FirstName_game






















Link to Document

Skimmer Images
Part 1 How to Skimmer
Draw the Main Body of the Skimmer in mm.
Part 2 How to Skimmer
Draw the Skimmer AirScoop Fins in mm.
How to SkimmerSkimmer Fins
Brad - Teaching the Skimmer 3:16
Teaching the Skimmer Assembly 4:55
Hallway SkimmerClick the link for an example of last year's race. If not then go snoop in the

Resource Folder > Church Resources > Design >Activities >










Week 4

How to put it together....

1. HW ~ Happy Cube ~ Mnemonic story, sentrnce, rhyme, or poem

a..Create a story that will help you remember how to put the Happy Cube back together.
Use the color of the piece and the shape of the piece to help you develop the characters of your story.

b. Depending on the color, shape, position and character will determine how you create the story that will help you remember how to put the cube back together.

c. This is known as a mnemonic device which will help with your memory.
For Example: "My very educated mother just served us nine pickles" is a way to memorize the planets in order: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.

of the

Week 4



CW ~ Draw the block in the 4 Videos
Video 1- dot paper - Checkmark - Stacking blocks
"Dot Grid"
Video 2- dot paper - Tower with Flat box
"Diamond Grid"
Video 3 - dot paper - 2 letter J's
Video 4 - dot & diamond paper - 3 Towers

Isometic Alphabet

ABC Isometric

3. HW ~ Isometric Drawing ~ Draw your initials.

"Dot Grid" Paper
A to Z
                   Video 3 - dot paper - 2 letter J's Small
"Diamond Grid"

Isometic Alphabet
Isometic Drawing Examples
Isometric Paper
A to Z
How to put it together....

2. HW ~ Isometric Drawings ~ Draw each piece

Paper Full sheet
Paper 1/2 sheet

Teach Teach Teach
Teach Teach Teach
Multi-view Demo Video Language of Sketching
PowerPoint # 1
Sketching Techniques
PowerPoint # 2



...below this point. Don't Print.

...below this point. Don't Print.

...below this point. Don't Print.

...below this point. Don't Print.



















Week ----Teach Teach Teach
Teach Teach Teach
Multi-view Demo Video Language of Sketching
PowerPoint # 1
Sketching Techniques
PowerPoint # 2
Click for the paper.
Thursday/Friday Click for the paper.

Teach Teach Teach



Click for the Assignment















Week 5-6

After drawing the Plastic Cube peices you will need to add the dimensions.
Review the 2 PowerPoints.


2. Tips and Tricks - Get Started with SketchUp
(2021 Update)


Create and Draw an
Interlocking Plastic Puzzle Cube
Click for the Paper




















Create and Draw an
Interlocking Plastic Puzzle Cube
Click for the Paper


Week 6-7

Multi-View Sketches Dimensioning & Dial Caliper Measurements



Create in inches this figure using the Additive Method and then the Subtractive Method.

The most surface area should be flate on the plane.

Group the peice
Select the peice > Make sure you have all of the faces and edges > then Right Click Group

Watch This Before You Get Started with SketchUp
(2021 Update)

Save as
Save as

To start make a rectangle that measures 2.25" x 2.25" x 1.5"

In Sketchup choose the Rectangle tool and click once and stretch then type 2.25, 2.25

Then select the Push Pull tool
and type 1.5

Start the video at 2:28 minutes.

3. 5 Puzzle Cubes ready to 3D print
Save as

Create in inches this figure using the Additive Method and then the Subtractive Method.










Week 6-9
Puzzle Cube
Watch This Before You Get Started with SketchUp
Save as
Save as

To start make a rectangle that measures 2.25" x 2.25" x 1.5"

In Sketchup choose the Rectangle tool and click once and stretch then type 2.25, 2.25

Then select the Push Pull tool
and type 1.5

Start the video at 2:28 minutes.

3. 5 Puzzle Cubes ready to 3D print
Save as


Name Tag 8:33 Name Tag Tutorial

Save as                                                               

1. Mug Intermediate Tutorial

Save as                                                              

2. Mug Basic Tutorial

Save as                                                              

Car Modelling Tutorial

Save as                                                              

Dog House, Dream House & Mars Rover


Week 9

SketchUp1 - SketchUp 01 2:50 min
Start by launching SketchUp, choosing a template, knowing toolsets, and navigating within your model.

Save As   -    


Click here first.

SketchUp 2 - SketchUp 02               6:45 min
Start by modeling a simple dog house, applying materials, and importing components.

SketchUp 3 - SketchUp 03               10:25 min
Start by modeling a simple dog house, applying materials, and importing components.

SketchUp 4 - SketchUp 04               9:44 min

SketchUp 5 - SketchUp 05               6:28 min
Start by drawing in 2D, understanding inferencing, and move into 3D modeling basic shapes.

SketchUp 6 - SketchUp 06               9:44 min
SketchUp 7 - SketchUp 07               14:08 min
SketchUp  8 - SketchUp 08               6:41 min

Save As   -   

1.    Use the first template when your start this project. Feet and Inches with Green Background
2.    Create a new document and save it as Last Name_Final Home Project

3.    Create a home that is 2,500 square feet or less. Remember Length X Width=Square Feet
4.    Place a compass on the ground showing the cardinal directions.

5.    6 inch walls for exterior (Use the offset tool)
6.    4 or 6 inch walls for interior

7.    2 and not more than 4 bedrooms
8.    2 or more bathrooms

9.    Kitchen
10.  Exterior doors are 36" Wide by 78" Tall

11.  Interior doors are 36" Wide by 78" Tall
12.  Hallways will be 48" Wide

13.  Ceilings will be between 8 feet or 9 feet from floor.
14.  Exterior must have fewer windows on North Side of home for energy efficiency.

15.  You may use no more than 15 objects from the SketchUp 3D Warehouse.

Save As   -    


Click to Research

N.A.S.A. Curiosity Rover - Click on the picture titles for the definitions of the features.

11 Amazing Things NASA's Huge Mars Rover Can Do









...below this point. Don't Print.





Click the title for each subject's assignments.
Business Info
Robotics 1 / LEGOS



Isometric Drawings


Isometic Drawing Examples
Isometric Paper
HW ~ Isometric Drawings ~ Using the grid of your choice, draw your initials. Due Friday.

Design Process of an an Ankle Foot Orthosis Click for the
Step by Step
Reflection Table
Requirements Make sure your design meets the following requirements:
•It attaches to the patient’s foot and lower leg.
•It allows upward movement at the ankle, where the foot or toes move in an upward direction toward the shin or front of the leg.
•It places the foot flat on the floor when standing.
•It prevents the patient from pointing or rising up onto their toes.
•It supports the foot and ankle, including the heel and arch of the foot.
•It is comfortable for the patient to wear. Pay special attention to areas where bones may stick out. Too much or too little padding can create pressure points, which can create wounds.
•It is removable.
Create a Design Matrix Reflection Table Presentation




Friday Early Release


1=E 2=H 3=L 4= J

5=C 6=D 7=G 8=I

9=K 10=A 11=B 12=F